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Finishing Strong!

Important Dates:

As we continue creating and rehearsing our projects, your child's attendance is vital. Please, if possible, make any appointments after school so your child can be prepared for presentations.

- 5/11 Life Cycles Test - 5/15 Grammar Test: See IXL List and Journals to study

- 5/16 Spelling Quiz - 5/17 Field Day: Please be sure your child has tennis shoes! They will be getting wet, so please send in a change of clothes. Put sunscreen on your child before school!

- 5/18 Life Cycles Presentations! Join us anytime between 8:45 - 9:30 to see the amazing work of your 2nd graders!


What We're Learning:

Phonics: Prefixes and Suffixes

Search for words with prefixes and suffixes in the 20 mins of nightly reading, and out and about! Have your child guess what the prefix or suffix makes the word mean. Quiz will be on 5/16.

Reading: Text Features & Main Idea & Reasearch

We will be using our reading time to continue our research for Farmer Black and to plan out our projects!

Language Arts: Parts of a Letter & Opinion Writing

We are practicing writing friendly letters, and making sure we have all 5 parts: heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature. We also must be sure we put the 3 commas in their appropriate places: the heading (date), greeting, and closing. This is a great way to talk to out of town friends and family! Write a letter with your child, and mail it off!

We're also finishing up our Opinion Writing, and the final piece will be graded on a rubric for a quiz grade.

Science: PBL Projects

Students will be working in their groups (or independently) on their projects for Farmer Black. We have several different options, and students are choosing their organism themselves. Please support your child at home if they are asking questions or wanting to research more. We will do the projects in school, but the more knowledge, the better! If your child is doing the diorama, please send in a large shoe box! I will message you if they have the diorama project.

Math: Unit 6 Arrays and Equal Groups

Creating Arrays and Repeated Addition Sentences to go with them. Please see the photo above! I teach them that it is just like reading a book- you go from left to right, NOT up and down.

- IXL practice: E.21, E.22, E.23, and E.24.

At home, students should practice sorting objects into equal groups, and discussing how they know whether a number is even or odd.

IXL: A.9, A.10, A.11, A.12, A.13, and Y.11

Thank you for all that you do!

Mrs. Crisp

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